Baccalaureate in Philosophy (Ph.B)

The aim of the first cycle is to impart an organic exposition of the various parts of philosophy which includes treating the world, man, and God. It also includes the history of philosophy together with an introduction to the method of scientific research. This goal is realized through the following objectives.

To promote familiarity with different philosophical traditions of the world and of India to evolve a Christian philosophical vision that will promote personal, communitarian and ecological well-being.

To evolve an integral understanding of world, human person, and God from interdisciplinary and subaltern perspectives, in the context of the enriching and challenging diversity of cultures, languages, religions, ideologies, people’s movements and the impact of natural and social sciences.

To develop the facility for creative thinking imbued with experiences and to foster an open-minded and mutually enriching dialogue, leading to a transformative praxis.

Programme Requirements

Students are required to complete 180 credits in three years and to pass the Comprehensive Examination in the final year of studies to obtain Baccalaureate in Philosophy.

Courses are divided into three categories:

Obligatory Basic Subjects, Supplementary Obligatory Subjects and Optional Additional Subjects. Obligatory subjects are further classified into Core Subjects and Elective Subjects to give students choice from the courses offered.

Obligatory Basic Subjects constitute 120 credits in total, of which 105 credits are core courses which all students are expected to attend and 15 credits of elective courses.

A credit is a unit of 25 study hours, inclusive of class-periods and personal/library work proposed by the professor.

All students are expected to obtain 24 credits from the following courses that are classified as Supplementary Obligatory Subjects: Research Methodology (3 credits), Faith and Reason (3 credits), Classical language: Basic Latin (6 credits), Advanced English: Grammar (6 credits) and Advanced English: Composition (6 credits). However, for exception students, 12 credits from the last two courses will be accredited from the previous university studies based on the qualifying examination.

Optional Additional Subjects make up 36 credits and the list of courses under this category is mentioned in the plan of studies. For exception students these credits will be accredited from their previous university studies based on the qualifying examination.


There will be final examinations for all the courses taught. Final examinations will be held at the end of every semester.

Each course will have continuous assessments (or internal evaluations) not exceeding 50% of the total marks by the concerned teacher(s) who will grade them according to their academic performance.

Absence from an examination without the prior written permission of the Dean will be counted as a failure.

Re-examination sessions will be held twice: in January, after the Christmas holidays, for examinations of the odd semester courses, and in June, after the re-opening, for examinations of the even semester courses. For failures in the last semester re-examinations will be held in the beginning of January before the Comprehensive Examination.

Those who wish to appear for re-examinations will have to apply in writing to the Controller of Examinations by making a payment of Rs. 100 on or before the dates indicated in the Calendar.

Course structure for Baccalaureate Regular Programme

Part 1: Obligatory Basic (Core) Subjects

Course Credits
Introduction to Philosophy 3
Philosophy of World Religions 3
History of Ancient Philosophy 3
Logic 6
History of Medieval Philosophy 3
History of Modern Philosophy 6
History of Indian Philosophy 3
History of Contemporary Philosophy 6
Natural Theology and Contemporary
Metaphysics 3
Philosophy of Knowledge: Basic Issues 3
Philosophy of Knowledge: Advanced Issues 3
Philosophy of Nature: Basic Issues 6
Philosophy of Nature: Advanced Issues 3
Philosophy of Man: Nature and Freedom 3
Philosophy of Man: Death and Afterlife 3
Classical Systems of Indian Philosophy 3
Moral Philosophy: General Ethics 3
Political Philosophy: Basic Issues 3
Metaphysics: Basic Issues 3
Natural Theology: Basic Issues 6
Philosophy Project 6
Philosophy of Knowledge: Logical Perspectives 3
Philosophy of Man: Model of Love 3
Political Philosophy: Understanding Liberation 3
Philosophy of Nature: Contemporary Themes 3
Philosophy of Man: Phenomenological 3
Moral Philosophy: Ethics of Child Protection 3
Natural Philosophy: Advances Issues 3
Seminar 6
Indian Studies: Subaltern Philosophy 3

Part 2: Obligatory Basic (Elective) Subjects

Students are required to take any four of the following courses.

Course Credits
Natural Theology: Religious Experience 3
History of Philosophy: Modern Jewish Thinkers 3
Issues in Indian Classical Philosophy 3
Philosophy of Man: Contemporary Body-Mind
Issues 3
Philosophy of Knowledge: Issues in
Hermeneutics 3
The Metaphysics of Thomas Aquinas 3
Natural Theology: Mysticism 3
Philosophy of Man: Scientific Perspectives 3
Christian – Islam Dialogue 3
History of Philosophy & Historiography 3
History of Philosophy: Post-structuralism & Post-colonialism 3
Philosophy of Man: Quest for Meaning 3
Moral Philosophy: Genetic Engineering 3

Total Credits in Obligatory Basic (Elective) Subjects 12

Part 3: Supplementary Obligatory Subjects

Research Methodology 3
Advanced English-I: Grammar 6
Classical Language: Basic Latin 6
Advances English-II: Composition 3
Faith and Reason 3

Part 4: Optional Additional Subjects

Methods of Study and Writing Skills 3
Personality Integration 3
Spirituality and Prayer 3
Human Science 3
Language, Emotions & Behaviour 3
Media & Social Communication 3
Counselling Techniques & Practice 3
Self Esteem and Personal Growth 3
Introduction to Psychology 3
Film Appreciation 3
Introduction to Sociology 3
Psycho-Sexual Integration 3
Culture & Modernity 3
Jurisprudence 3
Total Credits in Additional Optional Subjects 39
Total credits in the Three-Year Regular Programme of Baccalaureate at JD
Obligatory Basic (Core) Subjects 108
Obligatory Basic (Core) Subjects 12
Supplementary Obligatory Subjects 21
Optional Additional Subjects 39
Total Credits in Three Years 180

Course Structure for Baccalaureate Exception Programme

Part 1: Obligatory Basic (Core) Subjects

Same as the Regular Ph.B Programme 108

Part 2: Obligatory Basic (Elective) Subjects

Same as the Regular Ph.B Programme 12

Part 3: Supplementary Obligatory Subjects

Research Methodology 3
Classical Language: Basic Latin 6
Faith and Reason 3
Total Credits in Supplementary Obligatory Subjects 12

Part 4: Optional Additional Subjects

Qualifying exam for recognition of credits from previous University 48

Total Credits in the Course Exception Programme of Baccalaureate at JD

Obligatory Basic (Core) Subjects 48
Qualifying exam for recognition of credits from previous University 108
Obligatory Basic (Elective) Subjects 12
Supplementary Obligatory Subjects 12
Optional Additional Subjects 48
Total Credits in Three Years 180