Women's Forum

Inaugural function of the Women’s Forum

The Inaugural function of Jnana Deepa Women Student’s Forum was held on 3rd July 2024, commencing with a Holy Mass at 9:00 am. Rev. Fr. Francis Gonsalves, President of JD, presided as the main celebrant, with Fr. Stephen Jayard, the Animator of JDSC, delivered a powerful message on this year’s theme: Women as The Faithful Pilgrims of Hope. Father emphasized the importance of hope in our lives, stating that it is indispensable for our existence. Co- celebrants included Fr. Peter, the Registrar, Fr. John Karuvelil, Dean, Faculty of Theology, Fr. Claudius, the Treasurer and Fr. Herman Tirkey, the Moderator and Manager of Inigo Sadan.

During the Holy Mass, Sr. Prabitha renewed her vows, marking a significant moment of spiritual dedication. Following the Holy Mass Revered Fathers delivered felicitations, underscoring the Forum’s importance and the dedication of its members.

The event continued with Sr. Sendra presenting the annual report, highlighting the achievements and initiatives of the Forum over the past year. Sr. Patricia, the Animator of Women Student’s Forum, then awarded mementos to the outgoing team members, recognizing their contributions and commitment.

After refreshing tea break, Srs. Sarita and Ashipro organized engaging games that uplifted the spirit of all attendees, fostering a sense of camaraderie and enthusiasm. The function concluded with an enlightening orientation session by Sr. Patricia, encouraging all to contemplate actions beyond academics and to strive towards creating a gender- just institution. Her insights inspired all to reflect on their roles in shaping a better society.

Presence of Sr. Clara Almeida, the Moderator of CWS, Bro. Glanson, the Chairperson of the Student’s Council and the office staff enhanced the joy of this event. Overall, the inaugural function of the Women Student’s Forum was a resounding success, marked by spiritual enrichment, camaraderie, renewed commitment to the Forum’s mission.