Social Action

Social Wing


The Social Wing of JD organized its first Extension Lecture on July 26, 2024, on the theme "Natural Resources: Are We Caring Stewards or Greedy Exploiters?" The event was in Lecture Hall 1 of Inigo Sadan.

The resource person was Fr. Anthonysamy, Principal of Xavier Institute of Natural Resources Management, Ahmednagar and the moderator was Fr. Derrin.

The event commenced with a soulful prayer song, setting a reflective and serene tone for the evening. Bro. Febin Tom MSFS, the Chief Coordinator of the Social wing welcomed the gathering. Bro. Frangle SJ, introduced the speaker and Fr. Peter Ignatius SJ, the Registrar of JD extended a warm welcome to the resource person by presenting a sapling.

During the enlightening lecture, Fr. Anthonysamy delved into various pertinent topics, including the catholic teachings on Environmental Stewardship, and elucidated on the application of NRM-Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Remote Sensing tools for effective stewardship practices. The thought-provoking discourse was followed by an interactive question and answer session, providing attendees with the opportunity to seek further clarity on the nuanced subject matter.

On behalf of social wing, Bro. Melroy D’Silva, expressed heartfelt gratitude to all attendees and contributors for their valuable participation and support, acknowledging their role in the overall success of the event.