Student Seminars

The 58 th North Indian Theology Student’s Conference (NITSC) was restarted with JD participating actively. Fr Gideon Warisa SJ guided and accompanied three students who presented a paper entitled, ‘Cast Out Caste: Voice of the Marginalized Groaning for Justice, Peace and Reconciliation,’ as a response to another paper. The Conference was held at Bishop's College in Kolkata from October 26 to 30, 2023.

The two-day JD-SN Student Seminar was held in Satya Nilayam on November 24 and 25, 2023, on the topic “The Shadow of Power: Philosophical Perspectives on Violence and Politics.” Eleven of our students went to Chennai for the Seminar.

The De Smet-de Marneffe Annual Memorial Lecture was on January 12, 2024, on “Contemporary Indian Education: Contestation between Progressive Philosophy and Political Agenda.” Dr Thomas Thennadiyil, Principal of St Claret College, Bengaluru, was the resource person. Simultaneously, on January 12, 2024, the Faculty of Theology organized the George Lobo Memorial Lecture on the topic ‘Violence Against Minorities: Criminalization of Politics’. The resource person was Dr. Anto Akkara, eminent journalist and social activist.

The inter-collegiate philosophy student conference was held on February 09, 2024, on the topic “Peace Building in Times of Conflict.” Dr Radhika Jadhav, the Chief Guest and Vice Principal of Fergusson College, delivered the keynote address. Twenty-three papers were presented by students from six colleges. Besides the students of the faculty of Philosophy, JD, nearly 50 students from eight colleges participated in this conference.